GAZ 2217 - modification of the Sobol car with an average roof has two options. The ...
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ГАЗ 2217

Prices for new configurations ГАЗ 2217 в Украине

* A is automatic, M is mechanical.

Description ГАЗ 2217

GAZ 2217 - modification of the Sobol car with an average roof has two options. The first one, with a superior-comfort compartment, is designed to carry six passengers. There are seats with headrests and folding armrests. Another version of the minibus with a soundproof interior is designed to carry ten passengers.

Overall dimensions ГАЗ 2217
length: 4810 мм, width: 2030 мм, height: 2100 мм, clearance: 150 мм, base: 2760 мм

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